Monday, January 24, 2011


Soooo... Heyas, I'm Knaikar (aka Rogue Leader, aka Owen Haskett), Guild Master of Nagrand based League of Awesomeness. This is my first blog-thingy and in it I'm hoping to talk about some of the challengers faced in Guild Management and Raid Leading.

A little about me: I'm 26 years old living in Adelaide, South Australia. I'm a Hospitality professional, but have dabbled in IT and manual labor over the years. I enjoy long walks along the beach, sunsets and am a virgo, lolz. I'm a gamer, always have been, and probably always will be.

About me gaming: I'm a self confessed gamer, started with Super Mario on the NES when I was a kid, amongst other great classics like Metroid, Battle Toads, the list goes on. It wasn't until the Play Station came out that I really started RPGs, the like of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Secret of Mana, Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger.
To be perfectly honest I always thought the MMO was a bit too nerdy for me (boy was i wrong, lol) and I never really became interested in the whole Virtual Worlds until the release of Second Life for Mac OS. So I used to bum around in SL a lot, but I started to get bored with the lack of any actual gaming to be done in it. I had some friends who played EVE Online, arguably the most Hardcore of all MMOs out there, but it took me a while to really get into it and back then the game really lacked any tangible lore to lock onto.
So for a little while I went back to consoles, but I had this one friend who started World of Warcraft and I distinctly remember telling him he was nuts...
Probably due to all the negative publicity in the mass media the game received, I had it in my head that the game was the biggest and most addictive time-sink and that I just didn't need to get involved. But after about 8 weeks of nagging I finally caved and played the 10 Day Trial he gave me, and boy was I hooked!

Almost 4 years on I'm the Guild Master and Raid Leader of a successful End-Game guild. I have met some people who have changed my life through WoW, and had a lot of fun playing, managing and just being a part of the biggest Gaming Community in the world.

So as I stated at the beginning of this post, I hope to address some of the issues I've had to overcome as a Guild Master and Raid Leader during my time in WoW, some of the fine points of running a successful guild, and how to tackle the most common problems faced by GMs and RLs in WoW today.

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